While we are all doing our best to remain healthy and safe, I felt it was important to encourage a few specific factors in our health. Of course, there are other factors and things we need to consider as an individual, but here are six brief points that I found to be very important and helpful during this time.


Get More Sleep – Strive for quality deep sleep and follow a consistent sleep schedule.

Stand More – Whether you are working from home or in the office, stand most of your day.

Exercise Where You Can – right now with fitness centers closed, get outside – go for a walk or run, look up workout videos on YouTube or at home workouts on Pinterest.

Drink some Green Tea – Most teas have health benefits, however green tea tends to have the greatest results for your health.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate – Push the water – Drink your body weight, divided by two, in ounces.

Portion Control – Plan out your meals, especially in a time where supplies are limited at the grocery store, think through your meal planning and make healthy choices.