I know in our family, many events have been cancelled, traveling has ceased and ultimately, we are just home more often! This has allowed our family to talk about many things in our lives and our usual schedules.


Things we have discussed:

How will this time spent at home be used to benefit our future?

What can we be doing now that we may not be able to do when things return to normal?

What is the Lord showing us during this time?

And the one I want to discuss on this blog… Right now, how can we bring some value and joy to another person’s life.



With that being said, I wanted to share some ideas we discussed just in case you too have found yourself with extra time!

Community based opportunities

Tip extra when you have food delivered to your home

Tithe more to your church as they are serving this community more

Donate food or clothing to pantries in need

Be kind to everyone, we are all in different seasons of life

Say thank you for anything and everything that deserves gratitude

Greet your neighbors, they may be lonely inside

Run errands for someone who is shut in

Offer your services (mowing, delivery, who knows what it may be right now)

Workplace opportunities

Offer your help if you have extra time to work on a different project area

Bring lunch or pick up lunch for someone else

Have a virtual 5-10 min coffee break with a remote worker

Walk around the office and say hello to those still in office

Send someone a card that is now working remote

Clean up after yourself to help everyone stay healthy

Say thank you and tell someone how important they are to our company

At home opportunities

Make or get takeout for a favorite family meal

Sit down and talk uninterrupted with your spouse

Call your parents and check in on them

Let your children pick the movie for the night

Do a household chore your spouse normally does, or you have been putting off

Clean the box out you have looked at for months

Donate or trash the items that are causing clutter, be thankful for abundance

Play a game with your family, in the house or virtually


Whatever you do, my encouragement to you is to look at the positive side of things.

This time is valuable and you always have a choice on what you do with your time.