Part Two: Fruit
by Haley Cooke | August, 20, 2020
Check yourself again: Are you getting in your 2 cups of fruit (minimum) each day!? Since last week how many days have you been able to successfully fit in your 2 cups of fruit each day? If you haven’t tried it out yet… why not start today!?
Here are some additional ideas on how to increase your fruit intake. These ideas can be added to the list from last week’s blog and placed in a location that you see weekly to encourage your daily intake of fruit!
Add fruit as a topping on your favorite foods! Add it to ice cream, oatmeal, pizza or even a burger!
When you eat a salad – add color to the salad with fruit! Try to get 2 fruits in your salad.
Red – strawberries, raspberries, apples, cherries
Orange – cantaloupe, apricots, tangerines
Yellow – pineapples, mangos, golden kiwis
Green – grapes, kiwis, avocados, pears
Blue – blueberries
Purple – grapes, dried cranberries
Stock up on your fruit during each grocery trip. Remember, being prepared is part of being successful. Knowing you have enough fruit in stock for two cups a day will help to ensure you meet your daily recommendation. Stock up on fresh fruit, canned fruit, dried fruit, and the already mentioned frozen fruit.
When at a restaurant – ask for fruit as a side! Some locations have great fruit bowls that you can substitute as your side. Never let eating out at a restaurant be your excuse – the fruit is there too!
Remember to try new things… that includes your fruit! If you have a few favorite fruits that is great, but also be willing to try new fruits. During certain seasons, you can find local markets with fresh fruit and grocery stores that will feature unique fruits on occasion like jackfruit, passionfruit, and dragon fruit!
For extra fun with your family, try these fun recipes in the links below:
Hopefully you will find these ideas to be helpful along your journey of eating more fruit. If you have any questions on how I fit my 2 cups of fruit in each day – just let me know!