For those of you traveling often and looking for something to do as a workout in your hotel room… I have a blog series for you! Check out the first of three blogs featuring a short and sweet workout that can be completed in your own hotel room!

If your hotel has a weight room – great! Add some weights and do the same workout below. If the hotel does not have a space – create your own space inside your room!

Once you are ready for the workout, set yourself a timer (watch/laptop) for 15 minutes and complete as many full circuits as possible in that time frame. Focus on the correct form for each repetition. Try to move from each exercise to the next without stopping.


*A full circuit is the completion of all 4 exercises below… this is often called a set as well. Each circuit can take between 2-3 minutes.. so complete as many circuits as you can in the total 15 minutes!

Let’s do this!

Body Weight Squats: 20 reps – Standing and then sitting down to a squat position, use the bed if support is needed at the bottom of the squat.

Incline Push-Ups: 15 reps – With your feet on the floor, place your hands on edge of bed or the desk.

One-Arm Luggage Rows: 10 reps – Make sure to work each arm, use your suit case as your weight if you do not have access to a dumbbell. Leaning forward, row your suitcase up the side or your body and then down.

Reverse Crunches: 10 reps – Like a regular crunch, in reverse. You will lift your back and legs up instead of lifting your head and shoulders.



*As always if any assistance is needed – please reach out and let me know!