Warmer weather provides the perfect opportunity to incorporate physical activity into your everyday life, even during those busy days! Simple tweaks or switches to your daily routine can get your heart rate up and turn normal activities into something fun. This is great for things you are doing alone or when you are spending time with others. Check out some easy ways to fit outdoor exercise into your daily routine!

Bike to the Store – Try cycling to accomplish daily errands while logging miles at the same time!

Walk/Bike around Town – Instead of driving, hit the road on foot or bicycle to squeeze in steps and get some fresh air!

Walk and Talk – Whether working from home or in the office, incorporate walking meetings for a productive boost of physical activity!

Wash your Car – Enhance daily activity with movements such as leaning, bending, reaching, and scrubbing to get your car clean!

Walk the Dog – Pet or no pet, step outside each evening to stretch your legs and help with post-dinner digestion!

Make active Plans – Suggest a walk, hike, or fitness class to move more while enjoying time with a friend!